audrey savransky is a recent college graduate with a passion for sound design and a desire to further their skillset.

demo reel - 2023

This demo reel is a collection of three game clips of varying genres; each clip shows off a different aspect of sound design. For the Genshin Impact video, the focus was for more magical/elemental sound design, as well as some environmental ambience. Big Momma focuses on character and creature design. The last clip is from Control, which highlights combat and a little bit of sci-fi elements.

halo 5 sound redesign

featured sound design

big momma sound redesign

genshin impact sound redesign

music production - 2023

1v1 music video

summit racing equipment campaign

My journey with music production started about four years ago, since then I’ve worked on a handful of projects personally as well as for classes at Berklee. A big milestone was completing my capstone project, which you can experience below.


STUDIOBRAT is a side project that started in August 2022 as a way to curate a brand and aesthetic for music intended for public release. STUDIOBRAT is a way to combine music with the niche subsections of queer nightlife in a way that most queer artists and nightlife entertainers don’t always cater to.


“NOBODY” was created as a part of my capstone project at Berklee. I invited my friend Nikole to songwrite lyrics and be the voice since I knew she could capture the sound I was looking for. After a few meetings, tweaks to the track, and finally a vocal recording session I was able to bring this song into the mixing studios and really curate the track to fulfill the vision I had for it. With help from my friend Omisha Chaitanya we spent hours throughout multiple mixing sessions crafting this song to our liking. After one final solo touch up session the day before commencement, the song was complete.